

  • 纪录片芯片战争

    主演:Damien Boisseau 

    导演:Nicolas Vescovacci

    简介:  They are in everything from computers to smartphones, from toasters to washing machines: Microprocessors are essential for so many consumer goods to function and now arguably underpin the world economy more than oil.午夜福利在线观看80  When the pandemic hit it highlighted how much Western countries rely on the chip industry. Today Europe, America and China are involved in an intense commercial struggle to dominate this sector that is so strategic for the future. From Taiwan to Shanghai, via Brussels and San Francisco,韩剧网韩剧tv investigative journalist Nicolas Vescovacci went to meet the most influential players in this microchip war, which is redefining world geopolitics.  Narrator: Damien Boisseau  Producer: Michäel Sztanke

  • 动画片神之山岭

    主演:Lazare Herson-Macarel Eric Herson-Macarel Damien Boisseau 伊丽莎白·温图拉 Kylian Rehlinger 弗朗索瓦·迪努瓦耶 Philippe Vincent Luc Bernard 高塞尔·巴特 Marc Arnaud 


    简介:《神之山岭》改编自著名漫画家谷口治郎和作家梦枕貘的漫画系列,在影片中,年轻的日本摄影记者深町发现了一部或将改变登山历史的相机。这部相机指向神秘的羽生丈二 — 一名据传已经失踪多年的孤狼登山者。深町进入了狂热登山者的世界,这些登山者们对难以征服的高山充满向往,在这个旅程中,深町一步一步地走向了神之山岭。



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