简介:大雪纷飞的群山中,一个少年踉跄倒地,被大雪所掩埋……挪威是冰雪运动的天堂,尽管野外失踪事件层出不穷,也阻止不了人们前往雪山的热情。让尼卡(英格丽德·波尔索·贝达尔 Ingrid Bols? Berdal 饰)、艾瑞克、莫腾(罗尔夫·克里斯蒂安·拉森 Rolf Kristian Larsen 饰)十分钟免费观看高清大全等五个好友前往荒僻的雪山滑雪,岂料莫腾不慎跌倒骨折,五人只得找到山上一处废弃的旅馆暂时休整,等待明日下山送莫腾就医。曾经失火的旅馆因他们的到来恢复了一些生气,然而同时醒来的,还有一个潜伏在暗中的杀人狂魔……杀人狂令五个好友遭遇了一场噩梦,而他如此凶残,皆因一段不堪回首的惨痛经历……
简介:At once alluri天狼影院手机版ng and intimidating, the Coast Mountains have served as a muse for artists and explorers for centuries. The stories of unique individuals who have devoted their lives to British Columbia's rugged te在线看欧洲一卡二卡三卡残暴rrain elevate Grant Baldwin's film to the next level, while his breathtaking cinematography 扫黑风暴在线观看免费完整版高清and brilliant aerial imagery capture the wonder and scale of this magnificen...