简介: Set in London, SPOTLESS is the story of a troubled crime scene cleaner, Jean, whose tidy life is turned upside down when his outlaw brother Martin crash lands into his world, entangling them in the deadly dynamics of organized crime.
简介:这部翻拍自《Cyrano de Bergerac》的校园片,把故事背景定在一所名为Caldermount的全男生寄宿学校,这所学校对体育成就的重视远远超过学术能力。笨拙但富有想像力的学生Amberson来自社会的最底层,当来访的法国老师那充满激情的女儿Agnes出现时,他的世界完全为之倾倒。即便如此,他仍为Agnes和英俊但极其愚蠢的学校体育英雄Winchester做媒。到底最后Amberson会否有勇气向她表明心迹,为自己挺身而出?
简介:Written by Guillaume Renusson and Clément Peny, the story (which won the Audience Award for Best Screenplay for a First Feature Film at Angers’ European Fi尚气在线观看rst Film Festival) revolves around Samuel who, in the aftermath of a recent tragedy, leaves to get away from it all in his chalet in the Italian Alps, a place of passage for migrants looking to cross the border between Italy ...
简介:让-弗欧美高清vitios朗西斯·瑞切执导历史题材新作[巴黎皇帝](The Emperor of Paris,暂译 )正式开拍,文森特·卡索加盟出演男一号。影片围绕尤金·弗朗西斯·维多克的故事展开,作为法国家喻户晓的人物,维多克堪称一代罪犯专家。其被誉为现代犯罪之父,也是早期的私家侦探,更凭借丰富的犯罪经恋爱邻距离历任职警察部门,协力同行破获大量犯罪事件。