简介:Lisa, a 17 years old girl, throws herself into porn and self pleasures due to stress from her worsening relationship with her recently remarried mother, who is also pressuring her to have a religious conversion.
Her best friend, Sarah, is the only one who knows about her plight. They have a tight relationship, as they feel that the only thing they have in this world is each oth...
简介:作为一个不正经但直觉极强的英国间谍,帕尔默(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)被调查许多科学家莫名其妙叛变或被杀害的事件。他的原上司罗斯将他分配给新上司,帕尔默开始调查此事。在调查过程中,他发现被掳走的科学家被一帮势力出售,竞价最高者可以得到他们。帕尔默与新上司共同决定高价赎回一名科学家,但令人沮大汉天子第二部丧的是,当他们找到科学家时,发现他的大脑已经受到严重破坏,无法再从事科研工作。
简介:绰号“郁金香”的杀手吉米(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)得益于搭档牙科医生奥兹(马修·派瑞 Matthew Perry 饰)的帮助,伪造了死亡证明从此退出江湖,以一个全新身份,与妻子姬尔(阿曼达·皮特 Amanda Peet 饰)在海边别墅享受惬意生活。然而这天,一个慌慌张张的访客却打破了吉米苦心经营的平静生活,原来是老友奥兹的妻子辛西娅(娜塔莎·亨斯屈奇 Natasha Henstridge 饰)被黑帮绑架了,他前来央求吉米出手相救。然而吉米早已金盆洗手,将奥兹拒之门外。然而意想不到的是,与吉米曾有过节的黑帮头目拉齐奥(凯文·波拉克 Kevin Pollak 饰)竟带人跟踪了奥兹,遂发现了吉米的老窝并要对他寻仇。事已至此,这位老杀手又只好脱下围裙,拿起手枪,带着妻子和搭档重出江湖……
简介:Directed by filmmaker and scientist Christi Cooper, YOU丞相大人的小通房TH v. GOV is the story of America's youth taking on the world's most powerful government. In 2015, twenty one young plaintiffs, ages 8 火影雄兵to 19, filed the lawsuit Juliana vs. United States, asserting a willful violation of their constitutional rights in creating our climate crisis. If they're successful, they'll not only make ...
简介:'Girls like Magic&圣僧不可以;#39; explores the blurring lines of the friendship between MAGIC, a naive people-pleasing Brit and JAMIE,错痕 a hard-edged, self-sabotaging lesbian as they fall for each other in more ways than one.