简介:Ragnar and Lagertha's fleets depart Kattegat once more for Wessex but this time they bring settlers. King Ecbert hosts the Vikings and proposes a deal. Despite the misgivings of some of the other leaders, Ragnar leads his forces into battle once more, but this time as allies of Wessex.
简介:History宣布直接预订10集UFO题材剧《蓝皮书 Blue Book》,该剧由David O’Leary执笔,根据现实美国空军的研究计划所改篇,背景50-60年代。在当时美国兴起一股UFO的热潮,美国空军为调查UFO而成立了蓝皮书计划/Project Blue Book来作相关研究。
剧集讲述一个聪明的大学教授J. Allen Hynek被空军招揽,并由他处理蓝皮书计划中多达数千的未解案件,每一集皆会引用真实的案件,把UFO事件与美国那段具神秘感的历史结合起来。