简介:查理·布朗森(戴克斯·夏普德 Dax Shepard 饰)是专门帮人跑路的汽车司机,向来拿钱办事,尽量不卷进是非中。可一次意外却还是让他不可避免地成为了别人争相想要灭口的目标,于是他只好接受警方为他提供的证人保护计划。但为了女友安妮(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 饰)能够得到一份梦寐以求的理想工作,继而摆脱小镇生活,去大城市发展。他决定不顾劝阻,执意开车送安妮前往洛杉矶。由此,他们不但受到了以兰迪(汤姆·阿诺德 Tom Arnold 饰)为首的联邦调查局的追捕,而且查理之前的犯罪同伙(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰),4480万达苹果影院也加入到了这场混战当中…… 一场公路之旅,很快就向着一个异常让人难堪的复杂方向飞速地发展着,既疯狂又棘手……
简介:A down-on-his-luck farmer makes a deal with the devil for seven years of prosperity. When Mr. Scratch comes to collect, orator and hero of the common man Daniel Webster co青春期4什么时候上映mes to the rescue. Based on the shor全部都在那个地方t story by Stephen Vincent Benet. Also known as "All That Money Can Buy."
简介:When FBI Agent Zack Stewart is killed, Agent John Ripley takes over the three cases he was working on, hoping one will lead to his killer. The first involves gangster Joe Walpo and Ripley finds his hideout through Joe's girl friend, Connie Anderson. Joe is killed but it is established he was 400 miles away when Stewart was murdered. The next involves a car-theft gang which Ripley breaks up by usin猎物by单唯安g one of the gang, Vince Angelino and his wife Julie. The last case involves Kate Martell, the victim of an extortionist who threatens to kidnap her child unless she pays him $10,000
简介:亚瑟(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)是一位精明强干的律师,在车水马龙的繁华都市巴尔的摩生活和百变之星国语版工作。和大部分利欲熏心为了金钱可以放弃底线的同行们不同,亚瑟始终坚守着自己正义的准则,为小人物发声,绝不违背良心。 亚瑟的出淤泥而不染让同行们对他敬而远之,将其视作异类,然而亚瑟并不在意。某日,在法庭上,亚瑟得罪了法官亨利(约翰·福赛思 John xy11 app黄瓜Forsythe 饰),两人就此结下了梁子。谁知道,当亚瑟再度见到亨利之时,后者已经因为强暴伤害罪沦为了阶下囚。亨利要求亚瑟替自己辩护,如果亚成都私人影吧瑟不从,这势必会对他今后的职业道路产生毁灭性的打击。