简介:After living peacefully in the caverns of a small town, a stranded group of aliens turn deadly as they fight for their existence, betraying the compassionate chief of police who has protected them for 28 years.
简介:影片主要采用讽刺的手法,"虚构"了一段历史背景, 如果当年南北战争结果是主张畜奴的南方赢了,美国不叫"美利坚合众国the United States of America",而是成了" 美利坚联盟国 the Confederate States of America ",那么这个国家会呈现了什样的发展? 整个叙事方式就像在看History Channel,通过一个虚构的英国电视台在做这个国家发展的历史报导,就像我们平常看电视一样,偶有穿插广告,而这些广告大多是在贩卖黑奴形象(愚蠢,只会傻笑之类等)的商品 虽说是虚构,但是里头出现的某些情节却又仍可以在今天的 "the United States of America" 见踪影, 通过这样的故事安排, Kevin Willmott在这片里想说什,想问什,其实已经很明白-"Are Americans living in the United States of America or the Confederate States of Ameirca? "
简介:本片用迷幻的影像和摇滚乐讲述了一个非典型乐队主唱的成长史。儿时,平克(鲍勃•吉尔道夫 Bob Geldof 饰)的父亲在二战中身亡,母亲与家庭医生关系暧昧,这让他幼小心灵备受创伤。在学校,他对呆板的填鸭教育深恶痛绝,时刻准备着绝地反击。成年后,他在泡吧时结识了风骚的舞女,并与之发生了关系。然而,性欲的满足感并没有维持太久,他就厌倦了这种不靠谱的感情,特别是他对于女人的怀疑和嫉妒达到了无以复加的地步,因此当对方再度示好投怀送抱的时候,他便歇斯底里地爆发了,仿佛要把全世界都砸碎了才算安心。在此期间,他还表达了强烈的反战情绪和愤世嫉俗的观念,在物质丰富的生活中,他的精神生活极度匮乏,在工业化大行其道的环境里,他还固守着梦想的断壁残垣……
简介:A supernatural thriller set in the Western frontier of the late 1800s, The Wind stars Caitlin Gerard (INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY) as a plains-woman driven mad by the harshness and isolation of the untamed land. The film is directed by Emma Tammi, written by Teresa Sutherland and stars Gerard, Ashley Zukerman, and Julia Goldani Telles. It was produced by Soapbox Films and Divide/Conquer.