简介: Nick Jonas stars as Renn, an emotionally distant writer who returns to his hometown of Cleveland for his beloved mother’s funeral, after having spent years successfully avoiding interactions with his high-strung sister (Brittany Snow), bumbling but well-meaning father (Matt Walsh), and untrustworthy step-father (David Arquette). While in town, he forges a new relationship with a charming, energetic stranger (Alexandra Shipp) who pushes him to realize that he can’t avoid conflict forever — with his family or within himself. 源自:https://tribecafilm.com/films/good-half-2023
简介:In the distant future, Jack Deadman and his military team暖暖 免费 高清 日本 在线观看 are the final hope to save our dying earth from its hellish apocalypse. The mission is to enter the underground world of Labyrinthia and retrieve the water stolen by 乐乐影the savage inhabitants below... 10 years later, the mission has failed, and Jack Deadman exists in isolation, trapped and buried deep within Labyrinthia. A ...
简介:Russian sociologist Maxim Shugalei and his colleague interpreter Samer Suifan are still imprisoned in a Libya. For more than a year now they tortured and psychologically abused. Nevertheless while imprisoned, Maksim Shugalei continues to work trying to understand the logic of the global terrorism actions. Collected by the sociologist information is dangerous for the Lybian mili...