简介:一个男孩因为向父母讨要零花钱失败,去当了自己的手表,却换回一张500元法郎的假钞。之后,这张假钞在很多人之间转手,最后落到了一个叫伊文(克里斯琴·佩蒂 Christian Patey 饰)的年轻人手中。伊文试着去餐馆花掉这张假钞,但被服务员发现了。警察认为他参与了假钞贩卖案而逮捕了他,但法官念他初犯,没有给他判刑。伊文释放之后,丢了工作。没有了钱,他只好和朋友去银行抢劫,却又一次栽在警察手里,被抓进监狱,被判刑三年…… 本片是布列松的最后一部作品,改编自托尔斯泰的短篇小说《伪息券》,曾获第36届戛纳电影节主竞赛单元最佳导演奖。
简介:拉亚(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)的明星身份为她带来了名誉和金钱,但同时也带来了困扰和麻烦。这不,拉亚和未婚夫詹姆斯(大卫·田纳特 David Tennant 饰)的婚期将近,闻风而来的狗仔队让一对新人苦不堪言。为了躲避狗仔队,拉亚和淫声淫色詹姆斯躲到了一座无名小岛上举行婚礼,哪知道,他们小小的把戏根本无法瞒过狗仔队的眼睛。 烦不胜烦的拉亚负气出走,这可急坏了她的经纪人史蒂夫(迈克尔·尤瑞 Michael Urie 饰),为了隐瞒实情,他想出了一个馊主意——举行一场假的婚礼,而岛上的女孩凯蒂(凯莉·麦克唐纳 Kelly Macdonald 饰)则成为了拉亚的替身。看着眼前的冒牌新娘,詹姆斯的内心里产生了奇怪的感觉。
简介:This film marks the directorial debut of Robert Benayoun. An artist (Richard Leduc) attending a party smokes some dope and develops the ability to se佛歌大悲咒下载e into the future and the past. He returns to his apartment where he sees the vision of a woman who had lived there 30 years ago. A friend tries to convince him it is his heightened sensitively as an artist that allows for the newfound abilities, but he soon has psychedelic hallucinations and his abilities increase with time. Stop-motion photography is effectively used in his sequence of visual experiences where the people exist but not the city in this metaphysical story.
简介:警探艾迪(罗伯特?德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)是纽约的知名人物,他长期在媒体上出镜为公众带来案件实况。两名出狱不久的东欧男子埃米尔(卡瑞尔?罗登 Karel Roden 饰)和奥列格来到纽约,他们找到背叛了自己的同伙,将其杀死后把现场付之一炬,崇拜美国电影的奥列格更把整个过程拍了下来。艾迪在被焚毁的现场遇到纵火调查员乔迪(爱德华?伯恩斯 Edward Burns 饰),后者的干劲令艾迪瞩目,随即两人开始合作。埃米尔和乔迪都发现了目击证人达芙妮的存在,双方展开了寻找达芙妮的竞争,期间埃米尔和奥列格又杀一人,艾迪颇感被动。终于,艾迪和乔迪在达芙妮工作的店中正遇两名嫌凶,艾迪将埃米尔击伤,而这令埃米尔把下一个目标锁定为艾迪……
简介: The story of L’Amour et les forêts revolves around Blanche. When she first crossed paths with Greg, she thought she’d found the one she’d been欢乐一家人 looking for. They quickly formed an attachment, but their relationship is marred by Greg’s quick temper. Blan最新门事件che ignores her niggling doubts and distances herself from her family and twin sister, convinced that she’s reinventing herself. And little by little, she finds herself caught in the trap of a possessive and dangerous man. A man she’s too ashamed and frightened to report. Because there are only two possible exit routes from control: either the victim breaks加勒比海盗4 迅雷 free or they fall apart…
简介: A group of heroin addicts are besieged 我叫王土地演员表by a group of mysterious figures insi大王直播de a rural bar. As withdrawal starts to set in, a secret one of them is carrying threatens to des水浒传老版全集troy them all.
简介:T絵色千佳his film marks the directorial debut of Robert Benayoun. An artist (Richard Leduc) attending a party smokes some dope and develops the ability to 含羞草实验研究所入口免费网站直接进入see into the future and the past. He returns to his apartment where he sees the vision of a woman who had lived there 30 yea经典千人斩rs ago. A friend tries to convince him it is his heightened sensitively as an artist that allows for the newf...