简介: Nick Jonas stars as Renn, an emotionally distant writer who returns to his hometown of Cleveland for his beloved mother’s funeral, after having spent years successfully avoiding interactions with his high-strung sister (Brittany Snow), bumbling but well-meaning father (Matt Walsh), and untrustworthy step-father (David Arquette). While in town, he forges a new relationship with a charming, energetic stranger (Alexandra Shipp) who pushes him to realize that he can’t avoid conflict forever — with his family or within himself. 源自:https://tribecafilm.com/films/good-half-2023
简介:该剧改编自《火线警探》原作者Elmore Leonard的小说《City Primeva日本免费极度色诱视频l: High Noon In Detroit》,讲述8年后,已经离开肯塔基去往迈无敌钢铁超人阿密的Raylan继续担任法警,也抚养着14岁女儿。然而佛罗里达高速路上的一次相遇让他去到了底特律,与一个反社会暴力狂“俄克拉荷马野人”狭路相逢japanesemother熟,当地警方拿此人无能为力,而如今他想要再次逃脱法网。