简介: The series follows smart, capable and by the book Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra), who was flying high as an inner-city police sergeant before being forced into a 'punishment posting' on the small, antiquated island of St. Jory. Confronted by the forgotten and unsolved case of missing teenage boy Cai, Grace quickly discovers that she must overcome scarce evidence, extraordinary local characters, and the island's strange cult history to uncover the truth.
简介:这部BBC伪纪录片式喜剧讲述了BBC为深入了解如今在英国农村地区的年轻人感到的前所未有边缘化,在科兹沃尔德地区村庄跟拍了一些年轻人。这是Charlie Cooper和Daisy May Cooper姐弟俩根据自身经历自编自演的伪纪录片式喜剧,他们名不见经传,不久前还无业住在父母家,浑浑噩噩一事无成,以此经历改编的故事却成了这部热门BBC喜剧。