In the true story of Thirteen Lives, twelve boys and the coach of a Thai soccer team explore the Tham Luang cave when an unexpected rai nstorm traps them in a chamber inside the mountain. Entombed behind a maze of flooded cave tunnels, they face impossible odds. A team of world-class divers navigate through miles of danger...
简介:美国人杰克(John Edward Lee 饰)和英国人山姆(Bryon Gibson 饰)是两位侨居泰国的外国人,两人是最好的朋友。一日,两人下国色天香社区手机免费观看定决心抢劫了一家柬埔寨的小银行,却不料其抢劫的正是黑帮老大希兰凯里(史蒂文?席格 Steven Seagal 饰)的黑钱,而 其手下尼伦(Sahajak Boonthanakit 饰)试图篡位,便借此控制杰克帮他做事,杰克为了保护女友阿瓦隆(佩姆医妃权倾天下全文阅读免费?巴比尔 Pim Bubear 饰)只得从命,后来山姆和杰克暴露,山姆被枪杀,杰克杀死了尼伦,和阿瓦隆踏上了逃亡的旅途。
简介:Graboids are illegally taken to a new island resort by a rich playboy as a dangerous form of trophy hunting, and Burt Gummer steps up to save the day.
简介:After years of tracking down international criminals, a trip to a remote jungle prison will force Chinese cop张柏芝谢霆锋复合 Xin to become human prey to fight for his freedom - and to save his own life.