简介:科学家韦恩·斯萨林斯基(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis饰)发明了能将物体放大缩小的机器,光顾着高兴的他却忘记了告诉他的两个孩子。于是这个神奇的仪器把他的孩子们跟邻居家的两个孩子都给缩小了。
四个孩子开始了一次刺激的神奇之旅。院子里的矮小平坦的草坪变成了高耸茂密的 热带雨林,微不足道的昆虫变成了凶猛硕大的野兽,原先稀松平常的东西都瞬间变成了巨型障碍。然而粗心的夫妇发现孩子们失踪后,才意识到大事不妙。怎样才能把孩子们都变回原来的模样呢?而此时最重要的问题是,他们到底在身边的哪个角落……
简介: Making the team should be Riley’s dream. But as she struggles to keep up, she slides into anxiety and compulsive behaviour to withstand the pressure. With a phenomenal central performance from Reservation Dogs’ Devery Jacobs, D.W. Waterson’s punchy film shows that cheerleading is more than Bring It On – this is a blood, sweat and tears quest for athletic perfection.
简介:When Harley joins her new boyfriend for a long Halloween weekend at his country estate, they're invaded by a band of ma我的僵尸王爷电视剧sked freaks and forced to play a Wicked Game. To the intruders' unpleasant surprise, Harley's hard-boiled history has endowed her我们约会吧电影陈翔 with a bag of tricks which give the game a surprise ending.