

  • 喜剧片鬼玩人3:魔界英豪

    主演:布鲁斯·坎贝尔 艾伯丝·戴维兹 马库斯·吉尔伯特 伊安·艾伯克龙比 泰德·雷米 布里吉特·方达 布鲁斯·托马斯 Richard Grove Timothy Patrick Quill Michael Earl Reid 帕特里夏·塔尔曼 德克-安德森 Sara Shearer Shiva Gordon Billy Bryan 


    简介:美国青年艾许(布鲁斯?坎贝尔 Bruce Campbell 饰)在和女友琳达五十度灰电影完整版(布丽切特?方达 Bridget Fonda 饰)度假时,偶然发现一本《死亡之书》。书中记载各种神秘的丧葬风俗以及招魂仪式,更为诡异恐怖的是,这本不应该存在于人间的书具有十分强大和邪恶的魔力。为与之斗争,艾许失去了女友和自己的右手,但最后还是体力不支,被《死亡之书》带到600年前的中世纪。他奇怪的穿着一度被骑士们当作间谍抓起来,经过一番波折,艾许决定帮国王打败《死亡之书》幻化出来的怪兽,这也是他回到现代社会的唯一办法……   本片荣获1993年布鲁塞尔奇幻电影节金鸦奖、1993年葡萄牙奇幻电影节影评人奖、1994年美国科幻恐怖电影学院土星奖最佳恐怖片。

  • 欧美动漫变形金刚:救援机器人第四季

    主演:莱西·沙伯特 Elan Garfias 莫里斯·拉马奇 杰森·马斯登 珊农·麦克凯恩 史蒂夫·布卢姆 帕维什·齐纳 D.C.道格拉斯 Imari Williams 


    简介:The Re触不可及下载scue Bots are Transformers that work with a family of heroes to rescue humans from disast抢劫犯ers. These non-violent Transformer st情场霸王ories are aimed at preschool viewers.

  • 欧美动漫成龙历险记第一季

    主演:成龙 詹姆士·谢 夏野萨博 



  • 剧情片内地1929

    主演:Alexandre Arquillière Jackie Monnier 恩里克·里贝罗 Diana Hart 雅克·贝克 


    简介:Claudie, a young French woman, inherits her uncle's property in Algeria, much to the disappointment of her scheming cousins Diane and Manuel. On the ferry she meets and falls for Pierre, an idle young man who has squandered his inheritance and is on his way to beg from Christian, his rich but rough-and-ready uncle, who owns a neighbouring farm to Claudie's. Made to work on the farm by Christian as a loan condition, Pierre is soon a changed man, 闯关东第一部and proposes to Claudie. But when his Arab friend Zoubir invites the Europeans on a hunting party, Diane and Manuel see their chance to move against their cousin.

  • 剧情片柠檬和罂粟籽蛋糕

    主演:保司福尔吐纳 马里鲁·马里尼 伊利娅·盖尔拉 伊娃·马丁 托米·施莱泽尔 Ana·Gracia·Ana·Gracia Pere·Arquillué·Pere·Arquillué 


    简介:In a small town located in the island of Mallorca, Anna and Marina, two sisters who were separated w...

  • 剧情片汉堡高地

    主演:Michael Boatman 唐·钱德尔 迪伦·麦克德莫特 Tim Quill Kieu Chinh Tegan West 


    简介:这是一部典型美国英雄主义的影片。越战期间,许多像文森(安东尼?巴里奥 Anthony Barrile 饰)一样的怀有参战理想或各种不得不参战原因的年轻人来到了空降师,他们虽然同属一支部队,但是由于当时种族歧视盛行,部队里的气氛并不是那么和谐。   这天,空降师接到了一个任务,就是攻占阿士谷937山丘。当文森所在的空降部队降落到指定地点时,他们发现防守的北越军队在这里已经整装待发。于是,一场异常艰巨的拉锯战打响了。北越军人数上占了很多优势,美军伤亡惨重,但为了完成任务,原本互相心存芥蒂的不同人种的美军士兵都抛开了以往一切成见,齐心协力一起往上攻。经过了11次的攻击,他们终于占领了937山丘。因这里已经尸横遍野,所以士兵们称之为“汉堡高地”。

  • 剧情片莎乐美

    主演:AídaGómez PereArquillué PacoMora 


    简介:剧团导演正在与舞者们排演弗兰明戈舞蹈版的《莎乐美》,预演排练,分工调度,各抒己见。终于,这场致命的绝伦之舞上演了。美艳性感的少女莎乐美(阿伊达·戈麦兹AídaGómez饰)的母亲希罗底(卡门·维莱那CarmenVillena饰)原本是希律王(帕科·莫拉PacoMora饰)的嫂子,在杀害自己丈夫后改嫁希律王。施洗约翰(哈维尔·托卡JavierToca饰)为此谴责了她,希罗底怀恨在心。施洗约翰试图阻止这段婚姻,被希律王困于狱中。情窦初开的莎乐美在施洗约翰面前跳起充满崇拜之情的示爱之舞,却遭到拒绝。在希罗底的怂恿下,莎乐美在希律王面前跳了一段妖魅赤裸的七层纱之舞,希律王大悦,答应满足莎乐美提出的一切请求。莎乐美淡淡地说,请把施洗约翰的头颅放在盘子里,拿来给我。 本片改编自英国19世纪最富盛名的剧作家奥斯卡·王尔德的同名戏剧作品《莎乐美》,将《圣经·新约》中那段纠缠在极端与扭曲中的危情虐恋,在极度精美而极富形式感的画面与光影中,狂舞不止,直至死亡。

  • 动作片胆包天

    主演:托马斯·米连 约瑟夫·科顿 Maria Fiore Mario Piave 卢西亚诺·卡蒂纳齐 圭多·阿尔贝蒂 费米·贝努西 Silvano Tranquilli Shirley Corrigan Antonio Casale 罗萨里奥·博雷利 卢西亚诺·皮格齐 马里奥·诺维里 布鲁诺·迪·鲁亚 Giuseppe Castellano Tom Felleghy 伊妲·伽利 Adolfo Lastr 


    简介:Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the k海棠文学城网址链接2022ing of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too wayward to fully fit with the rest of his stuff. The film takes obvious influence from Sergio Leone's landmark western 'A Fistful of Dollars' (which in turn, took influence from Akira Kurosawa's landmark samurai flick Yojimbo), in that it features two warring families and a strong character at the centre. The crime that Lenzi focuses on is kidnapping, and we centre on a character called 'Rambo'. Rambo is dragged into the war between the two families after his brother is killed because of it. Rambo uses his brains and brawn to pit the two families against one another, in the hope of gaining revenge for his brother's death, rescuing a young boy that they've kidnapped, and ultimately letting the two sides destroy one another.  The film's biggest asset is undoubtedly Tomas Milian. Milian was put to great use by Lenzi in almost all of his crime thrillers. The range of characters he has played for Lenzi is immense, and this one is easily one of the coolest. The character is called Rambo, which immediately sprang to mind the popular Sylvester Stallone character - but for once, the Italians actually haven't stolen this name as Syndicate Sadists was released first! As usual, the film is wickedly entertaining, as we get to watch Milian get himself involved in the usual array of car chases, shootouts and brawls. Lenzi has got him riding a motorbike this time round, and every scene featuring it and Milian is a real standout! However, the film often feels like it doesn't really have anywhere to go, and this means that the running time is stretched out more than it should be. Compared to the crime films of other Italian directors, Syndicate Sadists is more than above average; but in relation to Lenzi crime flicks such as Almost Human and The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist - it doesn't stand tall as one of Lenzi's best. Still, if you're looking for ninety minutes of testosterone fuelled mayhem - Syndicate Sadists will suffice!

  • 剧情片内地

    主演:Alexandre Arquillière Jackie Monnier 恩里克·里贝罗 Diana Hart 雅克·贝克 

    导演:让·雷诺阿 Jean Renoir

    简介:Claudie, a young French woman, inherits her uncle's property in Algeria, much to the disappointment of her scheming cousins Diane and Manuel. On the ferry she meets and falls for Pierre艋胛下载, an idle young man who has squandered his inheritance and is on his way to beg from Christian, his rich but rough-and-ready uncle, who owns a neighbouring far凡人修仙传下载txtm to Claudie's. Made to work on the ...

  • 欧美动漫法札星世界

    主演:兰斯·莱迪克 格蕾·德丽斯勒 凯瑞·华格伦 卡洛斯·阿拉斯拉奇 达纳·斯耐德 大卫·卡耶 Brian Hanby Luke McQuillan 



  • 剧情片微笑的布迪夫人

    主演:热尔梅娜·德尔莫 Alexandre Arquillière 让·戴德 Madeleine Guitty 


    简介:又译:The Smiling Madame Beudet。    本片是探讨妇女权利的最早的影片之一。Germaine Dulac用尽当时一切的电影手段讲述一个年轻女性陷入无爱婚姻的故事,既有挫折,也有梦幻。后者则被公认为第一部超现实主义影片,影片的画面让人惊奇,这个寓言故事大胆探讨了性、欲念、伦理和道德的话题。不过,1930年后,Dulac转而到Gaumont公司从事新闻影片的创作,直到1942年去世。    Germaine Dulac,法国电影界第二名女性导演,单从成就上说,她比Alice Guy(世界上第一位女性导演)大得多。1915年,她和丈夫成立了一个小制片公司,开始导演一些小成本却具有高度创新性的影片。

  • 欧美动漫变形金刚:救援汽车人 第四季

    主演:莱西·沙伯特/Elan Garfias/莫里斯·拉马奇/杰森·马斯登/珊农·麦克凯恩/史蒂夫·布卢姆/帕维什·齐纳/D.C.道格拉斯/Imari Williams 

    导演:Kevin Altieri/Frank Squillace/Patrick Archibald

    简介:  The Rescue Bots are Trans雨后小故事动漫formers that work with a family of 暖暖视频大全免费更新heroes to rescue humans from disasters. These non-violent Transformer s婷婷四房播播tories are aimed at preschool viewers.

  • 欧美动漫变形金刚:救援汽车人 第四季(中配版)

    主演:莱西·沙伯特/Elan Garfias/莫里斯·拉马奇/杰森·马斯登/珊农·麦克凯恩/史蒂夫·布卢姆/帕维什·齐纳/D.C.道格拉斯/Imari Williams 

    导演:Kevin Altieri/Frank Squillace/Patrick Archibald

    简介:  The Rescue Bots are Transformers that work with a family of heroes to rescue humans from disasters. These non-violent Transformer s男宠跪在少爷胯间吞吐tories are aimed at preschool viewers.

  • 战争片汉堡高地

    主演:Michael Boatman 唐·钱德尔 迪伦·麦克德莫特 Tim Quill 


    简介:这是一部典型美国英雄主义的影片。越战期间,许多像文森(安东尼•巴里奥 Anthony Barrile 饰)一样的怀有参战理想或各种不得不参战原因的年轻人来到了空降师,他们虽然同属一支部队,但是由于当时种族歧视盛行,部队里的气氛并不是那么和谐。 这天,空降师接到了一个任务,就是攻占阿士谷937山丘。当文森所在的空降部队降落到指定地点时,他们发现防守的北越军队在这里已经整装待发。于是,一场异常艰巨的拉锯战打响了。北越军人数上占了很多优势,美军伤亡惨重,但为了完成任务,原本互相心存芥蒂的不同人种的美军士兵都抛开了以往一切成见,齐心协力一起往上攻。经过了11次的攻击,他们终于占领了937山丘。因这里已经尸横遍野,所以士兵们称之为“汉堡高地”。©豆瓣

  • 恐怖片鬼玩人3:魔界英豪

    主演:布鲁斯·坎贝尔 艾伯丝·戴维兹 马库斯·吉尔伯特 伊安·艾伯克龙比 泰德·雷米 布里吉特·芳达 布鲁斯·托马斯 Richard Grove Timothy Patrick Quill Michael Earl Reid 帕特里夏·塔尔曼 德克-安德森 Sara Shearer Shiva Gordon Billy Bryan 


    简介:美国青年艾许(布鲁斯?坎贝尔 Bruce Campbell 饰)在和女友琳达(布丽切特?方达 Bridget Fonda 饰)度假时,偶然发现一本《死亡之书》。书中记载各种神秘的丧葬风俗以及招魂仪式,更为诡异恐怖的是,这本不应该存在于人间的书具有十分强大和邪恶的魔力。为与之斗争,艾许失去了女友和自己的右手,但最后还是体力不支,被《死亡之书》带到600年前的中世纪。他奇怪的穿着一度被骑士们当作间谍抓起来,经过一番波折,艾许决定帮国王打败《死亡之书》幻化出来的怪兽,这也是他回到现代社会的唯一办法……   本片荣获1993年布鲁塞尔奇幻电影节金鸦奖、1993年葡萄牙奇幻电影节影评人奖、1994年美国科幻恐怖电影学院土星奖最佳恐怖片。



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